Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The New Trend of Education and Success!

Dear fellow Singaporeans,
Have you ever thought our primary school, secondary school, JC/poly times and university days was a freaking waste of our time?? School have taught us nothing , but only to conform conform conform! Conform to norms of society! What makes me so mad, is that school have never taught us how to make money, how to put food on the table for our family! If you recall, our parents, our schools has only taught us to study and to get good results so that we can GET A GOOD JOB! How many times have you heard this phrase? I remembered during my primary school days, I got caned by my mum for not doing well in exams! Spanked on my butt till I cried buckets and I even attempted to leave home once! How many of you guys have had the same experiences as me? I thought I was useless and would never make it in society!!
But Success University have taught me otherwise. I do not blame my mum, for she was taught that education was the only way to money. But times have changed, and you know that education that way is no way. The opportunities and courses I took in SU, made me enterprising. I have changed, FOR THE BETTER! NOw being part of this great team in Sgsuccess.com has made me feel I can make it in society! Join us now!


Anonymous said...

Very interesting.. I would love to enrol but with a problem. The URL u gave me to enrol requires a credit card information. I do not own a credit card.. Is there any other kinds downloadable online forms to enrol as a member because I only own a POSB ATM card. please(10x) advise me. would really wanna make more money..


Anonymous said...

What you said is true and I agree because I've read lots about it and thought a lot about it too. However, there's just one thing which I disagree with. I've never thought my primary, secondary and jc days were a waste of time. True, studies were a chore. A big one at that. And they will not necessarily guarantee you a good job, even with good results. But what I enjoyed most was everything else that came with it. Friends, school activities, ccas, even all those last-minute studying sessions with friends preparing for exams (only those memorable ones where everyone just gets distracted easily and ends up doing anything else except studying). In fact, until now, I look forward to school just for all these reasons that I've mentioned. Yeah, I go to school for the wrong reasons haha. But in any case, I suppose your blog is not about that, but about learning real life lessons that will help you to make money, and be able to put food on the dining table. That's a real useful lesson I'm sure any working Singaporean would understand to appreciate :)